Percy Jackson’s Films Mess All Over Again

This movie isn’t anything like the book by Rick Riordan, the scriptwriters are to blame.

I clearly understand that sometimes it’s not possible to make a 100% exact book to movie adaptation, and i’m fine with that. When adapting a novel to film, sometimes there exist part that for cinematography doesn’t work and it’s need to be cut out, i acknowledge that. I have to say this is the worst book to movie adaptation i’ve seen, it’s even more off path than The Lightning Thief (The first movie in this franchise). Continue reading

Man of Steel: The Legend Begins

A new Superman for the newer generations. With more amazement than ever before.

A new superman movie had been released.I really like the directors choices, they made the movie more enjoyable to watch. Adding background story of Clark Kent at the begging, and going back to the present and past really make you engage even deeper into the story to the point that it gives you a deeper comprehension of what the main character, Superman is going throw toward his decision taking of becoming a hero. Continue reading

After Earth: Why Those Harsh Critics?

A story idea by Will Smith, where he and his son Jaden Smith are the two main characters, and they are ones that appear on screen most of the time, basically for almost the whole movie.

This story plot line surrounds a ship landing on earth, because of a mechanical error they needed to land and earth is the only place available. Earth was contaminated once, and not a good place for humans to live, so they move to another planet far away. Years later this ship and it’s crew is force to have a rough landing on this dangerous planet, and the only survivals are Kitai (Jaden Smith) and Cypher (Will Smith). Continue reading